Simple Truth Veggie Straws Review

Many people see the word veggie on a food label and automatically assume that the product tastes bland, or won't be satisfying because it's healthy. I'm guilty of this, too. Thankfully, there are a lot of delicious veggie-based snacks, and Simple Truth Veggie Straws are one of them.

These veggie straws are mainly made of potato starch and flour, sunflower oil, and salt. They also contain spinach, tomato, beet root powder, and turmeric. I won't tell you they're healthy, since they have comparable nutritional value to a typical potato chip. But they are vegan, gluten-free, and really delicious. We've tried other veggie straws that were a bit too crunchy and overly salty. Simple Truth Veggie Straws are light, satisfyingly crispy, and salty, but not too salty. A bag never lasts long in our house!