Field Roast Creamy Original Chao Slices Review

Field Roast Creamy Original Chao Slices Review

Even though vegan foods are always improving, finding a great, versatile vegan cheese can be a challenge. Field Roast Creamy Original Chao Slices are some of the best vegan cheese slices we’ve come across. They’re made mainly from coconut oil and fermented tofu. They have a mild flavor that’s similar to provolone and are definitely one of the top creamiest, “cheesiest” vegan cheeses we’ve tried.

Chao slices have a firmer texture just out of the refrigerator that holds up against tomatoes and sauces on cold sandwiches, but they melt nicely on a breakfast sandwich or a grilled cheese, too. We’ve also shredded and chopped the slices up to use on top of pasta, salads, and nachos, and they’ve added creaminess and a delicious, cheesy flavor every time.